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The Centerplastics experience has its roots in Italy in the footwear industry, and  grew during the years in the technical application sector: 25 years in the field allowed us to see the developments in the world of many of the materials we contributed to create.

We brought TR into China and created the first regenerated material-based products,  we produced the prototipes of superlight materials and the first TPU modifications, we established  the bio-based polymeric blends.

In our production unit in China, in accordance with the main qualitative and environmental standards, we develop and produce, amid the traditional rubbers and SBS/SEBS bases, new compounds and additives, custom-made to meet the local requirements and the requests of the international market.

New production philosophies and the continuous development of our research labs make us different.

Our main investments is still research and after a decade of stable presence on the local market and the pleasure of new daily challenges, we are reference point and emulation subject of many
of the actual producers.

From injection moulding rubber to modified EVA all new developments come across us first.